Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 Tickle Tuesday!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 12:52 PM :: 6 comments

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Sunday, October 29, 2006 Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's......

Now, you REALLY didn't think I'd tell you how old she is, did you?

It's SuZan's Birthday today!
I'm so blessed to have SuZan as a friend. SuZan is the Thelma to my Louise; she's the Ethel to my Lucy! She is my partner in crime!
SuZan is a wonderful wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, care giver, teacher and therapist. She has a never ending supply of "can do attitude". When I think I'm at the end of my rope, she gives me just a little more to hang on to. She is smart, talented, witty and wonderful! Thank you for being my friend!
Let's all wish SuZan a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! But, do it quietly, I think G1 may be bringing her breakfast in bed!
(I had a really great picture of G1 and SuZan, but Blogger won't let me post it. Bad Blogger!)

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 8:30 AM :: 11 comments

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Friday, October 27, 2006 I Don't Recomend Starting Your Friday Like This

I'll start by saying there's been a little bit of, um, "family drama" going on. I can't share but just so you can get an idea, the media is involved. Thank Bob it's not immediate family, but it's family none-the-less.

Obviously I didn't sleep very well. When the alarm went off, I didn't wake up. Instead I woke up to my husband saying "what, what, what?" Apparently I was yelling and saying stuff to the alarm!

I stumble out of bed to the bathroom. I turn the shower on to get warm while I take care of "other" essential things. Half asleep thinking in the back of my mind how good a long, hot shower will feel, I stumble into the tub. Dumby me-I don't lift my back leg high enough and nail my tow on the side causing me to put all of my weight on my front foot that's already in the tub. The WET tub. Yeah, slip, boom, head, wall-not going to finish this thought.

I did survive and thank goodness I have a great husband who totally understands the essential nature of that first cup of coffee. He got out of bed, went down stairs and poured my coffee so that it would be waiting for me! Ahhh-things are looking up.

Or.....at least I thought! Stay tuned for part II.

Part II-

Me: "Daughter-what would you like for breakfast?"

J: "Cereal"

Me: "OK. Oh shit, I mean crap!"

J & Husband: "What?"

Me: "There are ants in the cereal-AGAIN! I JUST OPENED THIS BOX! I EVEN HAD A CLIP ON THE BAG!" (I was not happy-hence the all caps)

Husband: "Call the exterminator."

Me: "We don't need an exterminator. I'll just get some of those little ant trap thingies."

Husband: "No, we need an exterminator."

Me: "Why?"

Husband: "We have a bigger problem."

He then proceeds to pull out the bag of dog treats and shows me the hole eaten through the top. Oh, and the rat droppings under the sink.

Can you say VOMIT! I can't like rats. At that point I felt so dirty! I don't think I would have felt clean even after standing under a constant stream of acid! I'd like to add-we live in a neighborhood with a lot of trees. We've had a lot of rain. According to hubs, the rats get inside to stay dry. Whatever! It still grossed me out!

Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow!

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 8:08 AM :: 9 comments

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Thursday, October 26, 2006 Someone send in the life raft....We're drowning

Drowning in life that is!

You saw a quick excerpt of SuZan's schedule below. I think I may blow a gasket if I start posting mine. Instead of boring you with the details, enjoy some funnies!

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 9:19 AM :: 3 comments

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006 Hi Ho Hi Ho, It's Off To Work She Goes!

Yes! She got a job! My darling daughter who promised me that if she got a car, she would get a job and pay for insurance and gas. That was 3 months ago!

In her defense, do you know how hard it is for 16 year old to find a job? If you are 16, your name goes to the bottom of the list. Also, there is no more personal contact when going to apply for jobs. Usually you run into a "Marge" type person. Marge would be the gum chewing lady with the beehive hairdo, pencil and all, that doesn't look up when speaking and basically tells you "You must apply on-line."

J has done her share of "applying on-line". I encouraged her to go in, find the manager, tell them you applied on-line, and ask them directly if they are hiring. I always got the same answer-"XYZ just applied on-line and they called her/him!" Kids! Thanks to SuZan's son G2, he hooked us up. He told us when and who to talk to. I told J. Even better-I told J this information in front of SuZan and Big G. It really does take a village to raise kids. J thinks she can blow me off; but she was too afraid to let SuZan and Big G down. So she went, she saw, and she conquered!

Hopefully this will encourage son #1 to find a job!

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 8:24 AM :: 5 comments

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Tickle Tuesday.....and other stuff.

Oh the world we live in...enjoy!

The Random Stuff...
Work has been crazy for me and I haven't been able to go visit all of our friend's blogs. I don't know what has happened but I thought it was going to be a calm year...N.O.T!
How have my weeks been? Let me give you a little picture of what it has been like.
Besides seeing all my kids, consulting with teachers, doing motor labs and (gross and fine), we have to attend annual ARDs (meetings to review and update goals for our kids). So here is the week:
I have to not go to Monday's school because I have to go to Thursday's school for an ARD that was tabled last Wednesday that lasted hours and we have to finish up. I have to see a student at my Thursday school on Monday because of another ARD on Tuesday...then run to one of my Wednesday schools and meet with the Teacher because I was notified of the ARD for Tuesday, the day after the Staffing last Thursday.
On Tuesday I go to two schools, but depending on how long the ARD from my Thursday school and then the ARD from my Wednesday school...now need to figure out how I'm going to make up time from both of my Tuesday schools.
On Wednesdays I alternate between two schools in the am and on Wednesday afternoons we have an OT meeting with our Manager to update policies, discipline rules and regs and any house keeping that we need to know about (haven't been able to attend for three weeks). So which school do I go to? Hell, just flip a coin, point me in the direction and give me a push.
On Thursday I'll go to Monday's school and then to Thursday's school for another ARD.
On Friday I go to yet another school and if I can get done early I'll run over to one of my Tuesday schools.
So this is what I have been living this school year... could you pass the margaritas please!?
Sheri and I did go out to the new Garden Ridge and indulged in some "Retail Therapy" this past weekend, I needed that.

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Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 3:48 AM :: 6 comments

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Monday, October 23, 2006 The Calm After The Storm

I know we've all had them. You know, those periods in your life when you don't have a second to breath and you can't wait for a time where you can just sit and do nothing? I think I'm there. Am I happy-of course not! I'm mad. OK, mad is not the right word. Disappointed, yes, that's it, I'm disappointed in myself. I had a day yesterday that could have been spent doing all those little "when I have a chance" things that you put off. What did I do? I slept! I watched part of the Texans game (we won!), ate, and slept again. About all I accomplished yesterday was going to the grocery store, sticking a frozen lasagna in the oven, and folding laundry...that's it! The weather was absolutely gorgeous! Where was my ass? On the couch! I hate that. I feel like I just pissed the whole day away!

Sorry to anyone who came to visit our blog today hoping to gain some insightful wisdom or read a witty "my life" story. It seems that we just aren't being good blogger bitches lately! Damn. I can't like that! Will try to do better.

I will tell you that I'm back on the Weight Watchers wagon...again! Not too bad so far. Of course, I just started the diet this morning :-)

I hope you all have a good day. I will be visiting your blogs and hopefully will have time (boss is away) to actually leave comments!

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 11:59 AM :: 3 comments

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Friday, October 20, 2006 Oh Yeah!

It's Friday, the bosses are gone (see post below), it's 50 degrees this morning, it's not raining, and Shipley's brought out fresh glazed donuts just as I walked in (it was a sign that I was to buy some I tell ya)! Oh, and my husband let me drive this today (his beloved)!

Can I get a Woo Hoo!!!

Happy Friday!

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 7:59 AM :: 4 comments

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Thursday, October 19, 2006 The Best News A Girl Could Get

See that elephant? That's me...doing the "happy dance." Why? I just found out that BOTH, not one but BOTH bosses will be out of the office tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow, as in FRIDAY! That NEVER happens. That means I'm in charge! What? Stop laughing! You know I'm a bitch! Yeah, a bitch that feels donuts are in order in the morning and a company lunch in the afternoon! Oh, and that work stuff......yeah, we're all adults and we know what needs to be done!
Oh yeah, doin the happy dance. Oh yeah! Don't be jealous!

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 9:40 AM :: 6 comments

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006 What The Fluck?

I think sometime the hardest part of blogging is coming up with catchy titles! The stress of it-Ugh!

Today's post is nothing catchy. This is a reflective post. Last night I started to empty one of the last few boxes left from the move. It was my desk stuff. I debated between throwing all of the stuff into the file cart I bought, or actually looking through everything, getting rid of the crap, and organizing the rest.

It's funny to look through things and think "why on earth did I think it would be important to keep this?" It was also interesting to see the transition my life has made through the years. Eight years ago we not only moved into a new house, we started a new phase of our life as husband and wife. We both brought children to the marriage. My youngest had just started kindergarten. He is now in 8th grade! That means high school for him is just around the bend as well as college for my oldest! Yikes!

It was interesting to me to see just how high strung and, well, anal I was at the beginning and how I obviously "softened" and how my focus changed along the way. Anal you say? Yes. So anal that I kept not only the manual that came with my $9.99 calculator; but I also kept the receipt! And, I filed it - alphabetically! These days, the first thing I would do would be to trash the manual, then the receipt would soon follow! I use my debit card for basically all purchases. It's much easier to return stuff now. Take Target for instance. You don't have the receipt-no problem! Give them the card you used to purchase your item and they can pull up your entire transaction - a month later! Oh, and the filing part - yeah, I have a "filing pile". Everyone knows to look in that pile for anything that may be important. Usually about twice a year I go through that pile, throw half the crap away, and put the rest back into the pile - you know, to be filed! Someday I really will file - I promise!

All of this brings me to the real reason of my post. Why have I changed? Is it the wisdom that comes with age and life experiences? Is it motherhood? Is it because of major life changing events such as 9/11 which made me change my perspective? Is it because of my busy schedule? Is it a combination?

Whatever it is, I can honestly say that I like the me I am now. I'm definitely not as high strong. I think I'm prioritizing better. I think that I'm a better mother, wife and friend than I was eight years ago! The best part-I know that I don't know everything and I will learn a lot more along the way! I'm looking forward to that. Now, if only I could have the wisdom I have now and the body I had 18 years ago.............

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 8:27 AM :: 5 comments

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006 Tickle Tuesday.....and other stuff.


Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks.
Walk to bathroom wearing long dressing gown.
If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.

Look at your womanly physique in the mirror, make mental note to do more sit-ups/leg-lifts, etc.
Get in the shower.
Use face cloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and pumice stone.
Wash your hair once with cucumber and sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins.
Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean.
Condition your hair with grapefruit mint conditioner.
Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red.
Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and jaffa cake body wash.
Rinse conditioner off hair.Shave armpits and legs.
Turn off shower.
Squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower.
Spray mold spots with Tilex.
Get out of shower.
Dry with towel the size of a small country.
Wrap hair in super absorbent towel.
Return to bedroom wearing long dressing gown and towel on head.

Take off clothes while sitting on the edge of the bed and leave them in a pile.
Walk naked to the bathroom.
If you see wife along the way, shake wiener at her while making the woo-woo sound.
Look at your manly physique in the mirror.
Admire the size of your wiener and scratch your butt.
Get in the shower.
Wash your face.
Wash your armpits.
Blow your nose in your hands and let the water rinse the snot off.
Fart and laugh at how loud it sounds in the shower.
Spend majority of time washing privates and surrounding area.
Wash your butt, leaving those coarse butt hairs stuck on the soap.
Wash your hair.
Make a shampoo Mohawk.
Rinse off and get out of shower.
Partially dry off.
Fail to notice water on floor because curtain was hanging out of tub the whole time.
Admire wiener size in mirror again.
Leave shower curtain open, wet mat on floor, light and fan on.
Return to bedroom with towel around waist.
If you pass wife, pull off towel, shake wiener at her and make the woo-woo sound again.
Throw wet towel on her pillow.

If there is anyone among you who did not laugh at the truth behind this, there is something SO very wrong with you. Have a great day! Oh, and... woo-woo!!!

The Other Stuff
As Sheri mentioned, we went to our kids' Homecoming game Friday night. They had us moms that have Senior football players hold the banner for the boys to run thru. After the kickoff, because there were so many of us I decided I would try and get a video of it after halftime. The funny part is the mom asking me what I'm doing.

Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos
The boys are 6-0 now
Go Bobcats!


Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 12:00 AM :: 5 comments

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Sunday, October 15, 2006 Homecoming 2006

If you've checked our blog last week, you know that this past weekend was our homecoming. We had a blast, but boy, am I glad we're done with that! I was a little worried that my "Friday the 13th" fear was coming to fruition as the other team scored first; but after a "stern" YELLING, er, talking to, our boys got it together and we won our homecoming game.

Here is our weekend in pictures:

The top of the mum I made for M's date (double mum)

The top of the mum J's boyfriend's mom made for her. I told his mom "you made a porn star teddy bear". She dressed the bear in read lace with no panties! I was just kidding. She doesn't understand my sense of humor.

The "whole" picture. I couldn't get any closer!

This is J before school on Friday. They get to wear the mums to school. Yeah, not too much work gets done that day. You see how it's pulling her shirt down! Oh, and she's eating one of my scrumptious homemade apple cinnamon muffins! This is J at her finest! We have so much fun-except when she thinks I'm a senile old woman!

J & C all ready to go! Believe it or not, it was warm enough to jump in the pool!

My son M and his date N. No, my son and daughter and their dates don't travel together. In fact, most people don't know that they are brother & sister!

The Boys. No other explanation needed!

Hummer Limo. My ass has never been in regular Hummer. Let alone a Hummer Limo!

And this is how they were able to afford the Hummer. The squeezed as many as possible inside and shared the cost. My son being the, um-man that he is, left the tickets to the dance in his truck. Big G tried to break in to his truck so that I could get the tickets and meet him at the dance. If you ever want a truck that is burglar proof-buy a Chevy Pick-up. Michael ended up having the limo drop everyone off at the dance after dinner, then bring him and his date to his truck to get the tickets, then back to the dance. That was pretty smart considering they had the limo based on time, not distance. He thoroughly enjoyed having the limo to himself!

Hopefully I didn't bore you too much. SuZan got took a great video of the boys breaking through the sign before the game. Hopefully we can get that posted later! Until then, stay dry Houston!

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 10:28 PM :: 3 comments

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Friday, October 13, 2006 Friday the 13th!!!!!!

No SPF here! And, it was an easy one! See, it's homecoming week here and every time I think I'll have a spare moment, I'm wrong! My daughter said "I just want the dance to get here so that we can have fun. I'm tired of all the stress of trying to make things perfect." Poor kids. Isn't homecoming supposed to be fun?

Are you superstitious? I didn't think I was, but now I think maybe I am. When the alarm went off this morning, instead of my usually happy "it's Friday" thoughts; I had "Yikes, it's Friday the 13th" thoughts.
Here is the odd part of my fear-nothing bad has ever happened to me on Friday the 13th! Nothing! Notta! So why do I have this heaviness in my heart? I hugged my kids - twice! Told them to be extra careful and drive slowly. To add insult to injury-tonight is our homecoming game. Who schedules homecoming on Friday the 13th?

I guess I'll be extra careful today. I'll try not to break mirrors, step on cracks, spill salt, or anything else that's said to bring "bad luck".

Happy Friday! Go Bobcats! BFND!!

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 8:06 AM :: 4 comments

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Thursday, October 12, 2006 Homecoming Parade

G2 and M's High School has a Homecoming parade each year that travels around their Elementary and Middle schools. It is funny that both of our boys decided in Kindergarten that they were going to play football so that they could ride the fire truck in this parade.

Sometimes life in Stepford is kinda fun!

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 1:07 AM :: 9 comments

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006 Bevo-You Will Be Missed

Bevo, you've done well. You've made us proud. Please go here to read of this legend and join me in a moment of silence. Bevo, you will be missed!

(***Blogger-why won't you let me post a picture of this fine creature?!?)

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 7:55 AM :: 4 comments

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006 Tickle Tuesday.....and other stuff.

Bet we can make you smile today!
Cover the kiddo's eyes...

See, we told you we would make you smile.

Is this motivation for keeping one's car clean or what?

The other stuff...if you can concentrate now :)

Mercedes had to go in and have surgery and she came out just fine. She had her "goodie box" taken out and they had to go back and remove a claw that was trying to grow back. You can tell when the pain meds kick in because she turns into a kitten and runs around the house then drops and purrs.

We don't shut Zeus up in the crate any more because he can unzip it; he loves it though and does sleep in it when we go to bed. But...here is what happens when someone leaves the bathroom door open at night when everyone is suppost to be sleeping:

We started making the mums for Homecoming; here is the battle ground:

Yes we had margaritas...it wasn't the most productive evening but it was fun!

The boys are still kicking butt as they are now 5-0. They are ranked #10 in Texas! Now if I can do something about the photographer and make me (opps) her stop shaking the damn camara when I (opps) she clicks...

Go Bobcats!

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Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 12:00 AM :: 11 comments

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Monday, October 09, 2006 Celebrating Women's OCTOBER BLOG PICK OF THE MONTH!

Celebrating Women’s

We know we are late but ya'll aready know that life just gets in the way sometimes. Without further delay we both agreed that this month's Blog Pick should be Southern Fried Girl.

Southern Fried Girl lives in New Orleans, Louisiana and is married to a firefighter. She has two step-children, a dog named Gage and two cats, Reba and Hoss. We love that she challenged herself to read at least 50 books this year and last we checked she'll blow that goal out of the water (she has reviews #46 and #47 posted).

This is what she says about herself:

10 things about SFG by SFG

1) I am actually a super nice girl who comes off as such a fucking bitch.

2) Since knowing my cute FIL, I now recognize how fucking hilarious and cute most old men are.

3) I hope I really get over some things, but I don't see it coming any time soon.

4) I like my pets more than most people.

5) I believe in God.

6) I wish I could lose at leat 20 lbs.

7) It took me being broken up from the hubs for 3 years for me to realize that he was the one for me.

8) I really admire my Father. He is a pain in the ass, but works hard and expects others to do the same..

9) I really can't wait to be pregnant.

10) I am thankful for my life.

What we love about Southern Fried Girl is that she expresses herself much like many of us wish we would. We would say that "Straight talk" is a good description of her style. She also plays "Stuff Portrait Friday"; "Waste of Space Monday"; "Way Back Wednesday"; and "Fug Thursday". With her quick wit, dry sense of humor, and keyboard in hand...she can make us laugh (until we pee our pants), cry, and ponder the thought that "gee, I've felt that way before". So thank you Southern Fried Girl for putting it all out there for us. For this we celebrate you!

So go over and say hello to SFG and help us celebrate:

Celebrating Women’s
October 2006
Blog Pick of the Month


Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 12:35 AM :: 8 comments

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Friday, October 06, 2006 Stuff Portrait Friday!

TGIF! Yeah…it’s Friday! Of course that means that it’s time SPF; sponsored by the lovely Kristine over at Random And Odd. If you play, go by and let Kristine know you did. This week she has requested pictures of:

1. Your Label — If you made clothes, what would your label be? What kind of clothes would you make?

2. YOUR personal Label — We all hate to be labeled, but sadly we are. What is YOUR label? Can you capture it in a picture? Are you just going to write it on a scrap of paper and take a picture of it? Do you have a picture that shows us what it is?

3. Your FAVORITE Label — I like Target clothes cause they are comfortable and they don’t usually have tags in them. Some people love Coach bags (I’m not saying any names, but the brat is in the picture below this post) and some people just like the look of certain label. Show us yours.


Hmmmm? Last weekend I happen to see that Sheri’s daughter J had the cutest Coach purse. I threatened and have been contemplating ways to snag that puppy up.



I picked this representation of a label because sometimes I can wear my emotions on my sleeve. I try to be cool and maintain a flat affect but it just doesn’t happen. As you can probably guess, I’m not that great at poker.


This one was so easy! Like Mama Duck, (who introduced me to the phrase “Targasm”) I am crazy about Target. The sight of that red bull’s-eye just gets me salivating, when I tell Big G that I’m off to Tarr-gget, he starts having heart palpitations…and we will just leave it at that.

So tell us…did you play?


Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 12:12 AM :: 14 comments

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