Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Thursday, November 30, 2006 Sound Off!

Today's post is going to be a little ranting:

Yesterday I was reading Tammy's blog and she really got me thinking about the whole 'Politically Correct' crap we endure day in and day out. I heard on the news yesterday that a Judge is making FEMA reinstate payments to the Katrina evacuees; and furthermore, that it is retro active. The hell? It has been almost a year and a half now? Are we going to have to support them forever?


At work several of us were discussing reports that kids going off to college are ill prepared to live on their own. There are articles that state the kids can't balance a check book, haven't developed critical thinking skills as it relates to everyday life and that they don't know how to dicipline themselves to get their work done. I thought it was the parent's job to teach our own kids problem solving and common sense stuff. I guess some want the schools to raise them too? Most of ya’ll know how I feel about helicopter moms.


By God (yes...that's right G - O - D). If I want to go to a 'Christmas Party' I'm going to a 'Christmas Party'. Don't call it a seasonal party or a holiday party or even a winter party. If you are offended by the 'CHRIST' in Christmas, then fk-it don't go!


Who the hell came up with the term 'Politically Correct' anyway? Common decency has taught us to be respectful of others but THIS has gone way overboard.


Would someone get through to our dog Zeus, that our cat (Mercedes) is NEVER going to be his friend as long as he sticks his cold, wet dog nose on her ass!


That is all! I feel so much better now.

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 12:39 AM :: 8 comments

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