Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Thursday, July 21, 2005
They Could Have Given Me The 1.2 Million!

We have recently finished up a special legislative session here in Texas, and guess what? They didn’t accomplish a darn thing! Furthermore, back when I found out that the session was going to be over school finance, I just knew that nothing was going to be accomplished. If they wanted to spend the 1.2 million dollars of tax payer money, they could have just given it to me and let all the legislators go home and spend time with their families. But now a second special legislative session has been called starting today, see the article at the Houston Chronicle link.
So now we are stuck again with education finance reform. I know the legislative process is a slow one and that is good; however I don’t approve of the inefficiency to get the job done. For example; it took three special sessions to finalize congressional redistricting, to the tune of over 3 million. UUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
(stepping off of my soap box now)
Posted by Sheri & SuZan ::
6:09 PM ::

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