Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Sunday, September 11, 2005 Today is 9/11-Part I

Yes, another 9/11 post in the blogging world, but I feel it's very important for us to never forget the tragedy that occurred on this day, and the impact it had on each of us, not only in the US, but world wide. There have been many tragic happenings in the world, but I doubt that anyone will ever forget where we were and what we were doing, or the feelings we had on that fateful day.

On that very day in 2001, I was sitting in my husband's hospital room just 6 days after his open heart surgery. It was one of those days when you wake up (I was sleeping in a chair in his room) after a life changing event and think "OK, everything is shaping up. Things are looking positive. We may actually be able to get back to some normalcy."

Two doctors had been in that morning and both had agreed that, although he was doing amazingly well in his recovery, we weren't out of the woods. We'd probably be in the hospital another 3 or 4 days. His lung had collapsed during surgery, so he was going through respiratory therapy twice a day. They were trying to reduce the medication they were administering through the IV and figure out a combination of drugs that he could take orally to control his blood pressure and his diabetes. We were not aware that he was diabetic until I took him to the ER. More on that later. He was starting to experience a great deal of swelling in his legs which, although not uncommon, needed to be sourced and controlled. In other words, the swelling could be from the incisions in his legs where they removed the veins used for the bypass, or, his body was retaining fluid as a result of many different causes which needed to be identified. They also couldn't control his potassium levels which is very important when dealing with cardiac patients. All of this, however, was much more positive than where we were exactly one week prior when I rushed him to the ER with chest pains.

I guess I should add at this point, he was only 45 and I was 33. As I was reading what I've written, I realized that you all must be picturing an old couple on walking canes. Not the case at all.

What does this have to do with 9/11? Check back later. A lot happened that day in my world. Too much to include in one post.

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 9:58 AM :: 2 comments

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