Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 Time for a little FUN!

Oh how fun is this?...

I stole this meme from Christie who stole it from Jen:

First you go to Google Image Search and look up the following categories. Post the first picture that comes up for each question. This really was fun...try it and let me know you did it too!

The name of the town where you grew up

Mexico City, (OK...I sort of cheated as this was the 5th picture on the search) what is funny is that this picture is about 5 blocks from where I lived.

The name of the town where you live now









Your name











LMAO.....Yea right!

Your grandmother’s name









Ramelle. Hey I learned my Grandmother was named after a small town in France.

Your favorite food




Oh yeah....Chocolate!

Your favorite drink






Hmmmmmm.....Love the brew!

Your favorite song




Imagine...I just love this song.

Your favorite smell









I really enjoy the smell of honeysuckle.

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 6:44 AM :: 5 comments

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