Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Monday, November 21, 2005 Turkey Day Traditions

Well folks, I guess it's that time. I mentioned in another post that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I think it is more so than Christmas because you don't have the stress of the presents and spending that money that we never seem to have enough of. Thanksgiving traditionally is a time for families to get together, visit, talk, laugh and of course-EAT! In our family, everyone brings something so that one person doesn't have to do all of the work. My specialty is sweet potato pie (my southern side) and candied yams (my Yankee side). So far, I have not succumb to the need to go stand in line at 4:00 p.m. waiting for stores to open so that I can get that just to die for deal. I hope I never do. When the kids were little, after dinner when the sun went down, we would go down to the Galleria for the tree lighting and the festivities that go along with it. Now, my kids are wondering just how long they have to wait before they can try to get together with their friends. That's OK, I did the same thing during my teenage years. They'll come back and realize just how much they enjoy the family gatherings - eventually!

As for as tradition, we used to make hand turkey's. You know, you trace your hand. The thumb becomes the turkey's head and the fingers are the feathers. But would we stop there? Nooooo. We would then insist that mom had to hand them on the refrigerator! When the kids were little and I shared this craft, they instantly fell in love with it and made about-500! My favorite food would by far be my mother-in-laws' corn bread dressing (from scratch) with homemade giblet gravy! Yummy!

We want to hear what you fine folks enjoy doing for Thanksgiving. What are some traditions that you did and enjoyed so much that you now do this with your kids? Is there a certain food item that you look forward to all year?

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 2:39 PM :: 1 comments

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