Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Thursday, January 26, 2006 Remember, Your Teen Can Have a Bad Day

I was getting a little irritated (OK, I was downright pissed) at my oldest son yesterday. One of his teachers called me. I sent my son a text message asking him to call me at lunch. He didn't. My temper was mounting (OK, I was steaming). Finally, he called me while I was stuck in traffic driving home from the office. I was distracted by the traffic which was good for him as I wasn't in the mind set to "rip him a knew one." As he told me about his day, I was glad that I did more listening than talking. Here is his day in a nutshell.

2nd period-went to restroom. While washing hands, cell phone fell into sink and now doesn't work. Gets to his 3rd period class (chemistry). They were doing a lab. He slipped his class ring off while doing the lab so that the chemicals wouldn't damage it. Class ended, the lab wasn't finished. Teacher said everyone had to stay to clean up lab. Long and short, when he finally left to try to make it to his 4th period class which is on the other side of the school, not only did he forget his ring, he was late (according to him by 5 seconds) and the teacher wouldn't let him in. This is the teacher that called me. The teachers words to me were "M just missed making it to class on time and came as I was shutting the door." (This would line up with the 5 seconds as the teachers all close the door when the bell rings and anyone in the hall has to go to "tardy sweeps".)

By the time he finished, I was glad I didn't start our conversation by yelling at him. It's hard to remember that our kids have bad days also.

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 8:44 AM :: 4 comments

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