Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Monday, July 17, 2006 Waste of Space Monday

Waste of Space Monday is brought to you by Tammy over at Rant N' Ravin Haven; If you played, be sure to go over to her site and let her know.
A Berlin postal worker who was caught with more than several thousand undelivered letters in his basement has admitted he was overwhelmed by the job but insisted he planned to deliver them soon.

Police recently found 90 boxes of post stacked in his basement. The postal worker, 36, identified as Thomas H., told Bild newspaper Friday he was only temporarily storing the post at his house and friends would help with delivery.

"There were just too much and I couldn't deliver it all by myself," he told the newspaper. Police said some of the letters found had been postmarked as early as April. The postal worker faces disciplinary action.

Umm K...ya think I could get away with telling my creditors my payment must have gone through Berlin? I think not.

On another note, we started work on the courtyard. Big G knew what he wanted in a fountain so we had to build it, good thing he knows how things work, I would have purchased a kit. So here is the progress:

Did I mention that this weekend was hot as hell?

Horrible Houston Humid Heat!

It works! It works!

We have started laying the flagstone surrounding the fountain, but of course we didn't have enough, so I figure I'll pick up what we still need and try and plug away at it little by little this week. Then I get to start planting and try and make this pretty and give an illusion of coolness (as in absence of heat).

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 12:40 AM :: 8 comments

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