Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Tuesday, June 07, 2005 20 Year High School Reunion

It's time for my high school graduating class to start planning our 20 year reunion. I got out my old year books and was paging through them when my kids came in. What fun they had tormenting me about my "big hair" and "too much eye make-up". We started talking about high school and trends in my day comparing to high school in today's age. I thought it would be fun to see what people remember about their high school days, hence this post.

Here's what I remember: Billy Idol, the B-52's, Aqua-net Hair Spray, too much make up, spiral perms, two tone jeans, v-neck sweaters (worn backwards of course), MC Hammer pants, guys wearing make-up, big earings, pink lipstick.......

Feel free to add your memoris. I bet you can tell, I'm a product of the 80's.

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 9:46 AM :: 4 comments

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