Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Our funky, cool new music from emmetonline gets our show started with a bang, and it only gets better from there!
Our topics of discussion this week includes Sheri’s realization that, my God, she occasionally IS a helicopter mom! Sheri shares a few instances that came about during the week when, in times past, she would have “swooped down” and fixed the problem for her kids! Keep listening for her graphic recount of medical emergencies this weekend that ended with at least one child in the ER.
Last week we talked about blogging in the classroom. SuZan was inspired and determined to get blogging incorporated into her lesson plans, and guess what - SHE DID! Listen to find out the progress she’s made.
Next, we share a little information found on this months Celebrating Women “Blog Pick Of The Month“. We finish the first half of the show with our “Tips N’ Tricks” segment. Find out how to make a “family tree” for Christmas! Not only is this a fun family project, all you teachers will love this as well!
After a brief word from the TPN Network, we talk about what we’ve learned in Chapter 3 of the book “Systematic Training for Effective Parenting” (a/k/a STEP).
Don’t go any where, we’re not done yet! We introduce two new features to our podcast this week. Our first new feature is entitled “Reasons to Celebrate Being A Woman”. Our second (and maybe our most favorite new feature) is the introduction of Celebrating Women’s “Extraordinary Woman of The Week” Listen and find out how and why we chose the author of this blog as this week’s “Extraordinary Woman”.
We hope you enjoy the show. If you’ve laughed, cried, rolled your eyes, or learned at least one thing from our show, then we’ve done our job.
Until next week remember…. we are not “Queens of Clean”, we are not Martha Stewarts; we are real women, in an unrealistic world…… trying to keep it real!
Posted by Sheri & SuZan ::
7:36 AM ::

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