Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Confession of a Football Mom
It’s that time again! We had our first scrimmage today (well the boys anyway). All of us parents were there cheering them on. I must say that yes I do enjoy watching my boy play, watching his friends play (I consider them my boys too); and getting all caught up in the excitement of it all. But this is not what I enjoy the most. What is funny is that we can find our own boys when they are standing on the sidelines by looking at their butts (yes…it is a mom thing).
What is the most fun about football season is the camaraderie among the parents. I confess I can’t always find my son out there when he is on the field; I do miss key plays; spend a lot of time asking “what happened?” My husband says that I have FADD (football attention deficit disorder)! I can’t help it, between the atmosphere and all the people, how can you stay focused on one thing. I love catching up with the other moms and dads, not to mention seeing how much their boys grew over the summer. Yes, our boys think that we are only there for them, but reality it is just one big social event up in the stands…….GO BOBCATS!
Posted by Sheri & SuZan ::
11:19 AM ::

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