Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Friday, August 19, 2005 Self Portrait Friday

It's that time again. I haven't played for a couple of weeks but when the Katy announced the topic of SPF "What stresses you out", I just had to play. The thing that stresses me out the most is clutter! I am still working on the "simplify your life" plan, but the clutter of junk mail, forms, magazines, catalogs, etc. just drive me nuts. I am by no means a "clean freak" (Sheri is probably LHAO because she knows I'm not), but clutter really gets to me and it takes a split second for it to accumulate.

Now another thing that stresses me out is my son's room. I pretty much keep his door shut, but I do have to venture in there on occasion just to make sure the health department doesn't shut us out of our home. As you can see he is using the side of his bed for a dumping ground of clothes and stuff.

This one is my all time favorites! The independent science experiments that go on in this room. YUCK! I do make him wash his dishes but I do have to inspect them afterwards. The boy has been taught about the importance of maintaining a clean environment. His personal hygiene did improve dramatically when he started to have a reaction to perfume, I'm hoping the same will occure with cleaning.

So clutter stesses me out. Hop on over to Katy's The Dirty Days (aka The Grass Isn't Greener) to see who else is playing. I can't wait to check out the fun when I get in from work.

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 5:50 AM :: 6 comments

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