Celebrating Women...for the Real World
Friday, December 02, 2005 Mysterious Phone Call

I'll start by saying I'm a transplanted Yankee (grew up in PA) that was a band/orchestra geek whilst in high school. I received a very interesting phone call last night and started to wonder-is this a Texas thing? The phone call went something like this:

Me: "Hello"

Caller: "Hi, is this M's mom?"

Me: "yes"

Caller: "This is E, the girl your son took to Homecoming!"

Me: (With lump in throat) "Hi E, I remember."

E: "My friend K wants to ask M to the Brigade Ball but she's too afraid. Can we come over tomorrow and decorate his room."

Me: "His bedroom?"

E: "Yes. That's how we're supposed to ask the person we want to escort us."

Me: "But, it's dirty."

E: "That's OK. So is mine."

Me: "OK. Can you clean it while your decorating it?"

E: ~~Silence~~

Me: "I was just kidding. Yes, you can come over and decorate."

E: "Thanks"

In the words of Momma Duck - "SAK thinking that maybe she should think about locking up her children until they are at least 25!"

Posted by Sheri & SuZan :: 2:22 PM :: 5 comments

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