Celebrating Women's
June Blog Pick of the Month
Tammy is 30 year old, working mother of two (Fumble and Princess...and they are adorable) living in Big 'D'. She is married and states that her husband is a great man because he deals with her neurosis. We had the pleasure to meet Tammy at Blogger Blowout in Austin this year and had a F A B O U L O U S time partying with her.She hosts 'Waste of Space Monday' where we all have the opportunity to vent about the losers that are a total waste of space. She also plays Way Back Wednesday, Half Nakkid Thrusday, Fug Thursday and Stuff Portrait Friday. Tammy has also been featured on 'Bloggers in the Spotlight'. Oh, and has a very special place in her heart and a free pass for Matthew McConaughey (yummy). Special Quote: I hate people! We also learned that we should not be at her house during a Texas game, if they are loosing.
What we love about Tammy is that she shares her honest feelings with us readers. We can feel the love and joy she has for her children; we felt her horror and pain when her sweet dog Bogey was attacked. When you first meet her you think that she is shy, but as you get to know her she is someone warm, kind and real.
So go over and say hello to Tammy and help us celebrate:
Celebrating Women’s
June 2006
Blog Pick of the Month