Thursday, January 04, 2007
Fug Thursday and a Stupid Moment

Welcome to Fug Thursday, brought to you by the lovely
Kami, where we show you the fashion nos, to keep you in the fashion know.
Now this is my first time playing and I have to tell you that I didn't follow the rules because I'm fugging a truck.
Big G, G2 and I were headed up to my favorite store (Target) and I saw this truck in the parking lot and of course I shouted out "OMG that truck has balls" (um-k, they both just looked at me). But look...the truck has BALLS!

This is just wrong on so many levels.
Now for your entertainment pleasure...
The Stupid Moment:
We stopped in to Famous Footwear after Target because I have been wanting to get some nice, comfortable, trouser shoes. Found a pair that were very comfy, about 1.5 inch heal, soft leather. In other words it met all of the requirements for the footzees.
Now visualize this...I'm walking around in these shoes, contemplating if I would be able to chase after kids in them, I turned around...and wiped out!
I kid you not...twisted my ankle; landed on my left knee; scraped my right palm; just a total W I P E O U T! And what do you think this logical, cautionary, therapist did? Hell, jump right up and look around to make sure no one saw me.
Yep...that's what I did.
Pass the ibuprofen please...
Oh and I did buy the shoes.
Labels: Fug Thursday
Posted by Sheri & SuZan ::
12:03 AM ::

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